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The CFPB Seeks to Update Regulations on Voicemail and Contact Frequency


creditor harrassmentThe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released an Outline of Proposed Rules regarding debt collection within a 117-page document, some of which addresses voice messages and frequency of contact, which have been a hotly debated topic for years.

One of the proposals regarding voicemail requires that collectors leave limited-content messages in their voicemails, in conversations with a third party, or through other methods of communication such as texts or emails. It is a proposal that would benefit the industry and, if enacted, prevent frivolous lawsuits over voicemail content, which would encourage more communication with consumers.

The other topic that has been a point of contention between consumers and debt collectors is their frequency of contact. The CFPB’s newest proposal seeks to limit contact frequency through what they are referring to as “Confirmed Consumer Contact”. Once a collector has communicated with a consumer about their debt, and the consumer answered, that person is the debtor or alleged debtor. Since the collector has reached the consumer and already knows how to best reach him or her, they will not need to initiate contact as frequently.

Under this rule, there would be clearly defined caps on contact. If a collector has confirmed contact, they can make a total of 3 contact attempts, per week and per account. If they do not have confirmed contact, they can make a total of 6 contact attempts.

At Atlas Consumer Law, our Chicago creditor harassment lawyers are passionate about protecting the consumer rights of those we serve in Illinois. Each one of our clients has the option to seek our protective services through our Protect The Discharge program. If we discover that your rights are being violated, we are prepared to file lawsuits against the at-fault creditors.

Call us now at (312) 313-1613.