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How to Stop Unsolicited Faxes


Junk faxes are not only irritating, but they also waste a person’s or business’s time checking them and money using up ink and paper. If you are receiving unsolicited faxes from a business that you’ve never heard of before or given your fax number to, this is a violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 (TCPA).

Federal law protects people and businesses from receiving spam faxes and even unwanted telephone communications. In 2005, the Junk Fax Prevention Act slightly amended the TCPA, which exempts ads sent by businesses who already established a relationship with the recipient. However, these businesses must include an “opt-out clause” on the first page of every fax, giving recipients an opportunity to cancel the fax subscription.

This clause must include a domestic phone number, fax number, and a method to opt out which doesn’t charge the recipient. If you receive spam faxes which doesn’t include such a clause, then your rights have been violated.

If you have received junk faxes from unknown parties without your consent, you may file a TCPA lawsuit against them. You may be entitled to at least $500 for each spam fax.

Our Chicago consumer protection attorneys at Atlas Consumer Law can help you stop the nonsense once and for all. We can review your case, determine your potential legal options, and help you obtain the financial compensation you deserve for the time and costs associated with these unsolicited communications.

For more information about junk fax lawsuits in Illinois, call (312) 313-1613 for a free consultation today.
